Dr. Miko Sankey

Dr. Mikio Sankey earned his master's degree in acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Samra University of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles, California. He later obtained a Ph.D. in Oriental Medicine from American Liberty University in Orange, California. Additionally, Dr. Sankey holds a Ph.D. in Health Sciences from Honolulu University, specializing in nutrition and iridology.
Dr. Sankey is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) in the state of California and is in private practice in the Los Angeles area with his wife, Jikun Kathleen Sankey (O.M.D., L.Ac.), who is also a licensed acupuncturist.
Dr. Mikio Sankey's Esoteric Acupuncture series comprises eight volumes, commencing with Esoteric Acupuncture Volume I: Gateway to Expanded Healing, released in 1999. The subsequent volumes include Discern the Whisper (Volume II), Climbing Jacob’s Ladder (Volume III), Sea of Fire-Cosmic Fire (Volume IV), Support the Mountain (Volume V), Antahkarana, Celestial Fullness (Volume VI), Esoteric Meaning of Key Numbers (Volume VII), and Wind Mansion (Volume VIII).
Dr. Sankey was recognized as the 2006 Acupuncture Author of the Year by the National Acupuncture and Oriental Medical Organization known as AAOM (now AAAOM) for the book Sea of Fire -Cosmic Fire, Volume IV. Dr. Sankey is listed in AOM Pioneers and Leaders, 1982 to 2007, A Commemorative Book of Challenge and Courage, Volume I. This is a collaborative work of the various acupuncture organizations in the United States, including the AAAOM, NCCAOM, CCAOM, and the ACAOM, honoring the leaders who were responsible for shaping the direction of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in the first twenty-five years of practice in the United States.
Esoteric Acupuncture and Light Language
"Esoteric Acupuncture places an emphasis on centering and strengthening the client’s Higher Inner Spiritual Heart with the use of various New Encoding Patterns. Besides activating, tonifying and harmonizing the qi within the acupuncture meridians (located on the etheric planes of consciousness), the Esoteric Acupuncture treatments also connect various non-acupuncture energy pathways to create what are known as Axiatonal Grids in the clients energy field. These Axiatonal Grids stimulate and retain consciousness within a field known as a Morphic Field.
This specific Morphic Field (surrounding a person who has received an advanced New Encoding Pattern on both the posterior and anterior sides of the body) retains a very fine frequency vibration that emits certain codes, or consciousness. This consciousness communicates with others who have a similar Axiatonal Grid surrounding the energy field of that person. In Esoteric Acupuncture, this communication occurs by a system known as Light Language. The transference of information via Light Language is not dependent upon being able to see auras, sensing the energy field around the individual, or recognizing some familiarity through a past life connection. The “Light” is an invisible memory field that instantaneously communicates telepathically with another who vibrates with the frequencies of Light Language. You will not necessarily receive information in the dense concrete planes of your left brain. The “language” is transferred via an instantaneous communication of Minds through a very fine, high frequency of Knowingness. Light Language is another type of communication available for those who have awakened.
Let us spread the Light together."
~ Dr. Miko Sankey